As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and ensuring that the services we provide meet the diverse and evolving needs of our community, we are excited to announce the formation of a Client Advisory Committee.

We are seeking 5-10 passionate individuals to join us in shaping the future of the Fraser Valley Child Development Centre and strengthening support for children and youth with developmental disabilities and their families in the Fraser Valley. Your insights and perspectives as past or present clients are invaluable in guiding our strategic direction.

Vision: Our planning vision is to break down barriers so that all youth and families can access the support they need. By joining our advisory committee, you'll have the opportunity to contribute directly to this vision.

Your Role: Your role on the committee will involve helping to provide and review questions for family surveys and focus groups. Additionally, you will assist in reviewing the findings and recommendations derived from these engagements. Following this initial engagement, there will be opportunities for volunteers to stay on the committee and contribute to further initiatives.

Your Commitment: The commitment involves approximately three (3) hybrid sessions, running from the end of April to the end of June. Specific dates will be determined based on availability.

We are particularly interested in forming a committee that represents a diverse cross-section of our community, including parents of children and youth from different service areas (Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission and Fraser Cascades), youth clients, and Indigenous families.

If you're passionate about making a difference and want to play a role in shaping the future of our Centre and supporting children, youth and families, we would love to hear from you!

Please contact Yvonne Contreras, Executive Assistant, by April 15th at to express your interest. If you have questions about the committee, please contact Karen Dickenson Smith, Executive Director, at

Thank you for considering this opportunity to Help Kids Shine in the Fraser Valley!

Karen Dickenson Smith

Executive Director

Fraser Valley Child Development Centre